Kenneth Haight is an NPC that the player will encounter in the Elden Ring. He asserts himself as the next ruler of the Limgrave. The player will encounter him while descending the ledges in Limgrave. Kenneth Haight will ask for your help to clean up and clear Fort Haight which is currently being attacked by various enemies.


Kenneth Haight Location


Can be found in Limgrave to the northeast, atop the ruins that serve as an impromptu bridge that covers the path between the places of grace of the outer Mistwood Outskirts and Third Church of Marika sites of grace.

Move to Fort Haight after clearing the fort, go back and talk to him at the top of the ruins in Limgrave.

Can be found on the battlefields of Fort Haight after it was attacked by Demi-Humans.

Move the Stormveil Castle Throne Room to the northwest of the Godrick the Grafted site of grace upon completing the following:

Clear Fort Haight and talk to Kenneth at the top of the field.

Give Nepheli Loux the Stormhawk King key item and don't give her Seluvis's Potion,

Defeat Morgott the Omen King atop Leyndell Royal Capital.

Take a rest at Godrick the Grafted's site of grace after defeating Morgott.

If defeated, reduce:

500 Runes

Golden Seeds


How To Complete Kenneth Haight's Quest


Kenneth Haight may be found in Limgrave's north-east location, above the ruins that cover the road between the Mistwood Outskirts and the Third Church of Marika sites of grace.


Kenneth requests your assistance in clearing out Fort Haight, which has been taken over by a Knight commander from Stormveil, and promises a reward because he is "renowned for his tremendous extravagance."


To obtain the Ash of War: Bloody Slash, defeat the Godrick Knight atop the battlements of Fort Haight.


Return to Kenneth atop the ruins in north-east Limgrave after defeating the enemy at Fort Haight to receive the Erdsteel Dagger. When you speak with Kenneth again, he will ask you to swear your service to him. If you accept, he declares that a knighting ceremony will be arranged at Fort Haight for you. It should be noted that the player must rest at the Fort Haight West place of grace before asking the player to commit their service.


Kenneth will proceed to Fort Haight atop the battlements where the Godrick Knight was positioned after resting at a site of grace or warping.


When you arrive at Fort Haight, which is now occupied by Demi-Humans, meet with Kenneth, who explains that he is unable to anoint you as a knight because he must find a true and stalwart Lord worthy of Limgrave.


Kenneth, Gatekeeper Gostoc, and Nepheli Loux will move to the Stormveil Castle Throne Room after defeating Morgott the Omen King, giving Nepheli Loux the Stormhawk King key item (rather than Seluvis' Potion), and resting at the Godrick the Grafted site of grace. He will tell you that he will eventually return to his fort to hail you as knight.


When you converse with Nepheli Loux in the throne room, you will receive 1x Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.