Sacred Tear in Elden Ring is an Upgrade Material which allows the user to upgrade the Crimson and Cerulean Flask Potency to +12. Sacred Tears are considered a special item in the Elden Ring.


Where To Find Sacred Tear In Elden Ring


The player can find Sacred Tears in churches. It is usually located in front of the statue or altar.



Third Church of Marika.

Callu Baptist Church.

Church of Pilgrimage.

Fourth Church of Marika.


Liurnia of the Lakes

Church of Irith.

Bellum Church.

Church of Inhibition.


Altus Plateau

Second Church of Marika.

Stormcaller Church.



Church of the Plague.


Mountaintops of the Giants

Church of Repos.

First Church of Marika.  


Sacred Tear Notes


You can hold up to 99 Sacred Tears and store up to 600 Sacred Tears

The Flask of Wonderful Physick is unaffected by Sacred Tears.

It is impossible to be dropped for Player Trade.