Bloody Finger Hunter Yura Elden Ring is an NPC. He is an expert in the Dragon Cult and a hunter of Bloody Fingers. After speaking with him, you can use him as an NPC Summon to combat Flying Dragon Agheel, the dragon he mentions.

 “Move forward. If fate permits, perhaps we shall cross paths again.

Location of Bloody Finger Hunter Yura in Elden Ring

The first location of Bloody Finger Hunter Yura in southern Limgrave is beneath an overpass northeast of Seaside Ruins. 

  • This NPC advances as you do.
  • This NPC is combatable.
  • Drops: 1000 Runes, Nagakiba if vanquished.

How to complete Bloody Finger Hunter Yura Elden Ring’s quest

  • Bloody Finger Hunter Yura Elden Ring can be discovered first beneath a ruin northeast of Grace's "Seaside Ruins" in Limgrave. He will inform the Tarnished of the danger a dragon poses by forbidding them from exploring Agheel Lake.

(Yura might have moved if he wasn't present here.) Yura will go on to his next location whether the player beats Bloody Finger Nerijus with or without him.

  • [Optional] In Agheel Lake, kill the dragon
  • [Missable] Yura will congratulate the player and let them know where to find the Church of Dragon Communion so they can use the dragon's heart there.
  • [Optional] Bloody Finger Nerijus will barge in when the player approaches Murkwater Cave.

              -  [Missable] Yura can make a white summon appearance to assist in fending off the invader.

              - Yura may be located right north of Murkwater Cave once the invader has been vanquished. Travel up the river until the route ahead turns into a tunnel, and Yura will be within, leaning against the eastern wall. He will describe his mission to find Bloody Fingers here. Yura will return to its initial place close to the Seaside Ruins if the dragon has not yet been killed.

  • To continue the questline, the player must locate Yura in Raya Lucaria. She will be on the bridge to the north of the Main Gate Grace and will be asking for assistance in the form of a Red Summon Sign. To find, proceed past the magical seal. Defeat Bloody Finger Ravenmount Assassin by entering his world. If the player hasn't advanced too far in the game, Yura will leave Nagakiba at his original place, northeast of Seaside Ruins Grace, and will instead be standing against the railing close to where his summon sign was. He'll say he's looking for the perilous Bloody Finger Eleonora.
  • Both Yura and the player will live after this combat, and the player can attempt again.
  • If you prevail in this battle, you will initially receive a Rune Arc and a Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Ash of War: Raptor of the Mists when returning to your own world, and Smithing Stone upon conversing with Yura [5].
  • They won't emerge to congratulate you on fighting the dragon, Bloody Finger Nerijus, or to appear in the tunnel-like road right north of the Murkwater Cave after defeating Bloody Finger Nerijus if Yura has been helped in Raya Lucaria before taking the alternate quest line path.
  • On the Altus Plateau, Yura can be located near the Second Church of Marika. By conversing with him, the Nagakiba will receive a reward, and a fight with Bloody Finger Eleonora will ensue. 
  • Purifying Crystal Tear, Eleonora's Poleblade, and one Furlcalling Finger Remedy are the prizes for winning this battle.
  • Zamor Ruins Grace is home to Yura, whose body Shabriri has taken over. Shabriri will make an effort to persuade the player to choose the Frenzied Flame's route. After receiving the furious flame from the Three Fingers, the player can either kill them to receive the Ronin's Set or locate the set on the ground in Shabriri's place.
  • The majority of the things can still be obtained even if the player doesn't finish Yura's mission before becoming Shabriri's possession. The Second Church of Marika will still be invaded by Bloody Finger Eleonora. Eleonora's Poleblade, Purifying Crystal Tear, and one Furcalling Finger Remedy will still be awarded for killing her. The Nagakiba can be found at Yura's camp, which is northeast of the Seaside Ruins Site of Grace, the underpass beneath the Murkwater Coast Site of Grace, or the edge of the bridge, which is close to the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace, depending on where the player last spoke with Yura before becoming possessed.

Notes & Trivia for Bloody Finger Hunter Yura Elden Ring

  • Yura uses a Nagakiba in battle. As soon as Shabriri takes control of him, he switches his sword to his left hand and acquires a Frenzied Flame Seal, which he uses to cast the Shabriri-inspired spells Unendurable Frenzy, Inescapable Frenzy, and Howl of Shabriri (insert other spells)
  • Based on her armor and the spells she cast during the invasion, Eleonora looks to have participated in Dragon Communion. This recounts how Yura learned about Dragon Communion, how it operates, and the risks associated with it.