Overview of Malenia, Blade of Miquella

When mentioning the strongest bosses at Elden Ring, we can’t help but mention Malenia, Blade of Miquella. With fiery red hair, she is considered the most powerful among the Empyreans. In addition, using only one arm and prosthetic made her stand out more than ever. Malenia is an optional boss. Simply speaking, players do not need to defeat Malenia to complete the inherent linear quests of the game at the moment. Besides, Malenia is a Demi-God type boss who is found near the bottom of Elphael, Haligtree's Brace. Her arena is located directly below the Haligtree Roots site of grace  


Moreover, Malenia is also an important element of the Collector's Edition. Specifically, if players buy this version, they will get a very nice statue and a replica of her hat. Keep in mind that due to the difficulty level of "Legend" in the battle with Malenia, you can team up with another player, or summon Spirit Ashes to defeat her more easily.


Combat information of Malenia, Blade of Miquella

  • Health: NG (18,473 + 14,778), NG+ (18,750 + 15,000), NG++ (??), NG+3 (??), NG+4 (??), NG+5 (??), NG+6 (??), NG+7 (??)

           At the start of phase 2, Malenia can only heal up to 80% of her health. 

  • Poise: 80
  • Although her defenses do not vary between phases, she appears to be more aggressive in the second. 
  • Slash and Pierce Damage are dealt. In the second phase, it can also cause Scarlet Rot.
  • Although divisible, Malenia can only be riposted every third parry; otherwise, she will backstep.
  • When poise is shattered, a critical attack is possible.
  • The Albinauric Pot has no effect on her ability to heal.


Tips & Strategies for Malenia, Blade of Miquella

It's crucial to note at the outset that the Rivers of Blood Unique Skill: Corpse Piler is extremely efficient against Malenia. Thus, you should consider being reincarnated to use it if you're having trouble. Besides, if you need some extra Arcane, the Silver Tear Mask can help. In particular, when you're reborn, don't forget about Mind.


Fight Breakdown

Malenia, Blade of Miquella is a two-part fight. The second phase will start when her health reaches zero for the first time. In particular, Malenia has an active healing function that gives her 300 to 400 HP every hit, even if the assault is blocked throughout the fight. 


What's more, if you play Elden Ring, you can see that she is incredibly mobile throughout phase one. She is able to close gaps with attacks and dashes. One of her renowned moves is an unparryable kick with high poise damage; another is a succession of three quick flashes followed by an additional slash that she occasionally delays. Malenia's Waterfowl Dance attack is unlocked when her HP drops below 75%. A tremendous leap precedes this move, after which she dives on you with a sequence of three spinning AoE slashes, followed by a big AoE slash at the finish. Even the most tanky builds are vulnerable to this ability, which can be quite difficult to deal with.


Coming to the second phrase, as soon as a cutscene in which Malenia sprouts wings and has access to a variety of additional attacks in addition to the majority of her moveset from phase one, it will start. Her harm has also increased. She starts the phase with 80 percent of her maximum life and always starts with a diving attack followed by Crimson Aeonia, a massive AoE explosion that leaves a short-lived scarlet rot mist. What's more, when she leaps, she can now choose between casting Waterfowl Dance, casting Scarlet Aeonia, bombarding you with scarlet rot butterflies in the shape of her, or diving on you while triggering a scarlet rot explosion.


Awesome tips for Malenia, Blade of Miquella

  • Firstly, with a few exceptions, such as uncharged Lightning Spear, Malenia can escape most spells and throwable items. Hence, you need to either bring homing spells or attack while she is attacking.
  • Secondy, when fighting a powerful boss like Malenia, rolling to the side is the best way to avoid most of her assaults.
  • Besides, bear in mind that her strikes solely do Physical damage, hence Incantation/Items that improve this type of defense (e.g. Black Flame's Protection, Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman) are advised.
  • Additionally, her low Poise makes it simple to disrupt most of her movements by assaulting her repeatedly. Hence, stacking poise on your character (about 60) will allow you to continue attacking even when she is attacking herself. In her first phase, she is also prone to knockdown assaults, therefore utilizing a weapon or Spirit Ash that exploits this can be beneficial.
  • Bleed weapons are also the best solution because they are easy to proc the status on her and allow you to outpace her self-healing. Frost is another viable alternative.
  • Alternatively, Malenia can heal every time she attacks you, even if you block her. She also frequently backs up at the end of a combo, making parries and guard counters difficult to land. As a result, most shields are less effective than usual. It's best if you hold your weapon in two hands and dodge roll her blows. When she performs her Waterfowl Dance, a huge shield with a high block can come in handy. 
  • Summons with great power Knight of Redmane Ashes of Ogha. Malenia is frequently stunned by Ogha's greatarrows, which can even halt her during the Flower Fountain attack. He'll also stay in the back, and she'll pay attention to you as long as you keep her attention. 
  • If you use any ranged attacks, perfumes, or throwables, Malenia will not only dodge left or right to avoid them, but she will also rush the player. It is suggested that you use spells or incantations that can trace her. She will dodge any range attack as usual once she reaches 75 percent health and begins using Waterfowl Dance. However, she will immediately activate Waterfowl Dance. If Malenia is being distracted by a summon, the player should only employ ranged attacks. 
  • Scarlet Aeonia, her initial move in phase two, may be easily dodged by immediately sprinting towards her and turning right when almost straight underneath her. Plus, Malenia will turn to follow your movement, but once she's looking left, you may begin moving right, and you'll be far enough away to evade both phases of the strike.
  • In addition, knowing when to roll the attacks may be easier if the strategy above does not work or is difficult to follow. Pay attention to Malenia's attitude and movement when she is in the air with the Scarlet Aeonia's petals on her (which will appear as orange flowing wings). Before making any maneuver, she will raise her blade and make the flowers emerge. The optimal time to roll is a fraction of a second after she begins to move down toward you. After that, roll again approximately 1 1.2 seconds later to dodge Scarlet Aeonia's second assault.
  • Malenia is unable to move or attack when at the center of the scarlet rot mist for around 5-7 seconds after you have avoided the Scarlet Aeonia attack. Take advantage of this opportunity to use powerful ranged attacks or spells/incantations with a DoT area effect. If you have the FP, you can reduce Comet Azur's HP by 30% before she becomes active again. This may be done every time she uses this attack and is your best chance for dealing serious damage. During this window, you can attack her freely in melee, but be careful that you will receive a lot of DoT damage and Scarlet Rot will build up.
  • Not only that, Malenia will rush you with a horizontal spinning strike once you are in range if she is running at you at the start of the fight. This strike is foreshadowed and easily deflected. If you don't know how to parry, move to Malenia's left side (the player's right). She will not perform the spin attack if she slows down or starts traveling left or right. 
  • Furthermore, in order to evade her Waterfowl Dance combo, you should start sprinting away from her as soon as she leaps, keeping lock-on, which will let you to avoid the first two spin strikes totally if done quickly enough. Make careful to keep away from her until the final AoE triggers, then roll through the third spin strike. If you are caught by the strike, roll towards her rather than away; the assault's extreme edges appear to have additional hitboxes.
  • Waterfowl Dance is substantially easier to avoid with Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step. You can totally dodge the combination by using that ability, even if you're close to Malenia when she starts the windup. It is better that you dash away from her to avoid the first and second flurries, and toward her (once) to avoid the third flurry.
  • More importantly, you should ensure that your HP is regularly replenished in Phase 2. Because many of her basic combination attacks may swiftly deal over 1000 damage to heavy armour users, sitting at 80 percent HP or below to save flasks is likely to get you killed.
  • The first part of the combat can be simplified with a weapon that has the Ash of War: Wild Strikes and the blood affinity.
  • The summon Black Knife Tiche is powerful. Her special attack deals 2000+ damage and frequently knocks Malenia down. Malenia's proclivity to devour summons for heals is also reduced by her frequent dodges.
  • Finally, Malenia's attacks can be avoided by using the Spread Out gesture, but you should remember not to remain down for too long because her smash can still hit you.


Melee Strategies for Malenia, Blade of Miquella

The key is to attack Malenia when she is not in an attack animation, which is usually after she has completed a combo. Once you've hit her and she's staggered, keep striking to keep the stagger running while keeping an eye out for side hops, which will break the stagger. When she does, you should roll out of the way, maintain some space, and evade her attacks until you find another opening. Besides, you also need to keep a watch on the start of her waterfowl dance, which you should avoid the first two volleys and dodge the final volley. 


What's more, you should always be aware of your surroundings; you don't want to be facing a wall when she performs her duck dance. Most importantly, you must keep calm, don't panic, and watch several footage of her strikes to see how her dazzling maneuvers initially appeared intimidating. Due to her healing ability, you should only utilize a shield to block stray hits and not rely on it to do the work for you. To assist reduce damage and boost stamina recovery, you should make use of Talismans such as Dragoncrest Greatshield, Ritual Shield Talisman, and Green Turtle Talisman. 


Furthermore, her attacks begin to flow together more in her second phase. But her smashing blows will produce a rot blast in front of her, and are particularly punishable.


Magic and ranged strategy for Malenia Boss

The combination of Swarm of Flies, faith and incantation enhancements, and Black Knife Tiche make the fight with Malenia more doable for ranged characters, while still needing you to learn her unique attacks. To begin, have Tiche completely upgraded, it is better that you equip your best seal, and gradually memorize flies and your preferred heal. While accumulating faith, let's stay in the light equipment load range. Moreover, a shield can be useful, especially when learning the battle, because she will attack you right away in the first meeting. Best of all, a shield can also help you master the timing for evading Waterfowl Dance. 


Besides, when attacking Malenia, you should summon Tiche and go to medium range as a strategy. Begin summoning flies as soon as Malenia has focused on Tiche. A tiny delay between casts is more effective than constant spam because it seems to capture her fully in each swarm rather than clipping her as she dodges out. Keep your distance and prepare to dodge Waterfowl Dance if she leaps. With luck, one of your swarms will cause blood loss and stagger her, but you should be able to avoid most, if not all, of the Waterfowl Dance because you're staying in range. Roll back to dodge her second swipe if she lands close. Then, you should take a step back and watch her leap. Bear in mind to roll forward when she begins to charge to avoid the third strike. Finally, depending on the camera position and your own roll time, you must roll forward or backwards to avoid the final AoE blossom. The ultimate attack is somewhat dependent on how you play. Therefore, let's experiment with each one until you find one that works for you. When Malenia turns on you, just try to shed aggro on Tiche, back away to medium range, and start throwing flies again.


When phase 2 begins, all you need to do is to sprint straight towards Malenia, turning right when you're under her, and continuing on (the AoE has a large range). Then spam flies until she gets better. Once that happens, simply stick to your phase 1 plan of letting her focus on Tiche, then casting flies till she glances at you, and so on. You can simply spam flies from afar if she casts Aeonia again while looking at Tiche, as her sword strike would target Tiche and you will already be at range to evade the AoE. Malenia's attacks are meant to mess with your mind and make you fear, but because you're at range, you don't have to deal with her healing as much as melee players do.


Furthermore, the greatest and most worth-using combo for Incantation users is Borealis' Mist and Lightning Spear. You should start by inflicting Frostbite, then maintain her at a medium distance while spamming Lightning Damage. For more details, she will approach the player slowly, plus distance makes avoiding her infamous Waterfowl attack much easier. Keep note that inflict Frostbite only when she is recovering from Scarlet Aeonia during the second phase. To attack with Lightning Spear for high damage, look for her attacks with a medium/slow recovery time.