Game Progress Route for Elden Ring provided players with a recommended progression path for playing. This progression guide helps defeat the Elden Ring quickly with optimal paths, helping you to get to the right place at the right time at the right place. From there, players will not miss important missions, objectives, items, and NPCs.


Joining Elden Ring means players will enter an open world where there is no set order to explore locations and battle bosses. This makes getting through the game properly an overwhelming challenge. Therefore, a plan to develop sequentially and consistently to explore that world is needed by the player. It makes up for the importance of a specific guide to the Elden Ring Progression.


This page contains only an overview of the main quest, not a detailed guide on how to fully complete the game. You can refer to Walkthrough for details.


West Limgrave

East Limgrave

Weeping Peninsul

Roundtable Hold

Stormveil Castle

Liurnia of the Lakes (South)

Raya Lucaria Academy

Liurnia of the Lakes (East)

Ainsel River (Underground)

Liurnia of the Lakes (West)

Siofra River (Underground)

Caelid (South)

Redmane Castle

Nokron, Eternal City

Liurnia of the Lakes (West)

Deeproot Depths

Nokstella, Eternal City

Altus Plateau

Mt. Gelmir

Leyndell, Royal Capital

Forbidden Lands

Mountaintops of the Giants

Consecrated Snowfield

Mohgwyn Palace

Miquella’s Haligtree

Crumbling Farum Azula

Leyndell, Ashen Capital

Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

Leyndell, Ashen Capital