
Of course she'll still be back to perform Spirit Turning for you whether you give Roderika the Memento or not. More Dialog will be better. Roderika herself will have conversation samples about Dung Eater if you want to find out.


Smithing Master Hewg

This is the person who will upgrade your weapon. Although he does not have any questlines, every time you visit Roundtable Hold, you ought to spend time with him and Roderika. You will see the development in the relationship between Roderika and Hewg. They gradually see each other as father and son.


Finger Reader Enia

You can see her at a number of different checkpoints at the Lands Between. But her role in the

Hold is the most important. Every time you kill a Demigod, stop by Enia to hear more about her suggestions for the next journey and get 2 more Talisman Pouchs.


You can get Talisman Pouch after talking to Finger Reader Enia and after acquiring two or more Great Runes. Alternatively, they can be found in the Twin Maiden Husks' shop in case the player missed them and didn't get them from Enia.


Sorcerer Rogier & Fia

If you killed the treeworm in the previous part and checked through the blood, then find Rogier who will now sit in front of the balcony where the gate is opposite the Two Fingers. After talking with him, continue to talk to Fia. Fia will give you a hint to the Black Knife Glyph in the Black Knife Catacombs.


Brother Corhyn

Corhyn's quest is still not activated but talk to him to learn the necessary Faith spells. You can give the Prayer Books to Corhyn to learn. However, you should save it later to give to Miriel at Church of Vow, it will be easier to find.


Gideon Ofnir

This character also has no questline but come back to talk to him every time you kill any Demigod for more information on the plot and what you need to do next. Gideon Ofnir is Nepheli Loux's father and he knows a lot about the Demigods.


Other NPCs

If Nepheli Loux hasn't appeared at Roundtable the first time you come, come back next time to get the Arsenal Charm and read Nepheli's dialogue.


In addition, Diallos is the character with the most tedious questline in the game. Diallos is looking for the missing maid. Talk to Diallos for more details.